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Knife mill

Knife mills are crushers in which the material is crushed between fixed knives located in the mill housing and rotating knives located on the rotating rotor of the mill. The knives are placed diagonally for the cut like in shears. The material is sheared until it is reduced to a size that will pass through the screen located under the rotor. Knife mills are suitable for crushing waste, where an exact output fraction needs to be ensured. The most common use is for crushing and recycling plastics and it is the most typical plastic shredder.

They are also very often used for crushing rubber, paper, wood, rags, non-ferrous metals, etc.

We manufacture a wide range of knife mills, from small ones suitable for crushing small waste directly from injection moulding machines with an throughput of tens of kilos per hour to large-capacity knife mills for central crushing plants with an throughput of tons per hour.